Raven Radio’s softball team was widely-feared in the co-ed leagues in the early 1990s. Offense, defense, and (let’s face it) awesome good looks distracted most opponents long enough to win a title or two. (Standing, l to r) Bill Prendergast, Bonnie-Sue Hitchcock, Brian “Wedge” Weddell, Steve Will, Barnaby Dow, Kevin McClear, Suzi McClear, Rich McClear, Stacey Woolsey, Rob Woolsey, (front row, l to r) Christine Pate (nee McCloud), Clint Daniels, Chris Wilbur (baby Emma), Linda Halfon, Lily Herwald, and Red Hausler. We’ll have to wait until this summer’s 30th Anniversary reunion to answer this question: Can Prendergast still hit it into the UAS parking lot?