An image from Wikipedia showing the "Jojo." A logical follow-up question: Is ketchup necessary?

KCAW’s Morning Edition listeners can finally lay one of life’s big mysteries to rest: A Jojo is a giant, baked french fry — not a tater tot.

According to Wikipedia:

Potato wedges, also called jojos in some parts of the United States, are a variation of french fries. As their name suggests, they are wedges of potatoes, often large and unpeeled, that are either baked or fried.

Sean Steele, the manager of the Swan Lake Senior Center (whose lunch menu generated this puzzle) is more direct. He writes, “Jojo is Latin for big hunk of potato. We bake our Jojo’s, too.”

Latin? Why not? Quod erat demonstratum. Jojo non tater-totum.