Diane Mayer of the Southeast Alaska Land Trust told the assembly on Tuesday that the project has several components.
“It would acquire lot 8 from Sheldon Jackson, donate that to the city of Sitka, and allow for no development except the sea walk that’s being discussed. And then the tidelands would have a conservation easement on it, which would essentially restrict development.”
The trust would buy the Sheldon Jackson parcel with funds it gets from developers building in wetlands and waterfront areas. It would also pay a quarter-million dollars for the conservation easement on a 5-acre parcel of city tidelands.
Mayer said the National Park Service will also return a nearby 1.7-acre tidelands parcel it leases from the city, which will be added to the conservation area. The plan would also effectively include about 2 and a third acres of state tidelands by restricting development on areas between it and the shore.
The project would leave Sitka with a mitigation credit it could apply toward future tideland projects.
Assembly members directed the city attorney to draft an ordinance needed to complete the deal.
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