Eric Jordan spent his early years on the Salty, with his parents and sister. He shared some stories with KCAW in preparation for the annual meeting of the Sitka Maritime Heritage Society. (Photo by Marilyn Jordan, courtesy of Eric Jordan)
For their annual meeting on February 19th, 2015, the Sitka Maritime Heritage Society is inviting members of the public to share their photographs and stories of waterfront history. Rebecca Poulson and Joe D’Arienzo, the vice-president and treasurer of the society, talked about the inspiration for the exhibit, while moderator Eric Jordan shared tales of growing up on a boat. He brought in a 1952 photograph, complete with the family laundry hanging off the boat, named the Salty. D’Arienzo provided an update about the restoration of the Japonski Island Boathouse for historic boat work.
The annual meeting for the Sitka Maritime Heritage Society will be Thursday, February 19th in Harrigan Centennial Hall. Reception and refreshments at 6:30pm and a program from 7-9pm. Members of the public are invited to bring in photographs or e-mail scanned copies to sitkamaritime@gmail.com.