Jeff Budd and Sarah Lawrie with the Great Sitka Arts Council talk about plans for the 7th Annual Wearable Arts Runway Show & Extravaganza. The theme is Seven Seas, Clean Seas. They were joined by model and artist Cynthia Bustos, who is making her dress out of six layers of dryer sheets. You can see the show from 2014 and 2013 on our website. The art show is a part of a two-week celebration of art called Arti-Gras, February 27th – March 14th.
Participants will showcase artwork made for the body on March 7th at 3pm and 7pm in Harrigan Centennial Hall. Tickets are available tomorrow at Old Harbor Books for $15 and $5 for kids 12 and under. For information, call Jeff Budd at 747-4821.