Updated 4 p.m., 11-12-15
The Sitka Assembly convened in executive session Wednesday night (11-11-15) to discuss legal matters affecting the municipality, as a result of the August 18th landslide. Sitkans whose homes sustained damage declined to comment on legal matters, or could not be reached by KCAW before press time.
Bill Laprade, who attended the meeting, represents the geotechnical consulting firm Shannon & Wilson. The city has retained Shannon & Wilson Inc. to do a geological technical analysis of a portion of the Kramer Avenue slide area, from Jacobs Circle to Emmons street, and assess future landslide risk.
At the time of the August 18th landslide, the land was being developed by homeowners and the firm Sound Development. The city released a statement to the press, saying that this geotechnical analysis was to “to help city officials determine what steps to require property owners to take to secure permits or certificates of occupancy in the area.”
The landslide area on Kramer Avenue remains uncleared. At the Assembly meeting on Tuesday night, administrator Mark Gorman said the city will likely award a contract this month to clear the area by January. The contractor says the job will take eleven days. The total disaster budget, to procure state-funded cleanup and repair work, is $1.5 million.
Updated 10 p.m., 11-11-15
The Sitka Assembly convened in executive session Wednesday night (11-11-15) to discuss legal matters affecting the municipality, as a result of the August 18th landslide. That included the city’s ongoing communication with legal counsel David Bruce and geotechnical expert Bill Laprade.
The Assembly would not comment on the nature of the legal matters. According to City Attorney Robin Koutchak, a suit has not been filed although the city has received several requests for public records.
At the end of the meeting, the Assembly issued a statement saying it had “received legal advice from David Bruce, Attorney, on possible legal claims for damages, and on possible claims about permitting and land use issues, relating to the Kramer Ave. landslide. No action was taken.”
Also in attendance were Public Works Director Michael Harmon and Chief Finance Officer Jay Sweeney. Planning and Community Development Director Maegan Bosak listened over the phone.