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A coalition of Sitka entities is holding a free Trauma-Informed Care Conference on Saturday, August 18th from 9 a.m. – 5 p.m. at Harrigan Centennial Hall. Dr. Linda Chamberlain, a renowned advocate on trauma and resilience, will provide the keynote.

Previewing the conference, KCAW’s Robert Woolsey interviewed STA’s Jean Swanson, an outreach family case worker, SAFV’s Alaire Hughey and co-assistant superintendent Phil Burdick. They spoke the origins of the conference as a goal of the Sitka Health Summit and data demonstrating the widespread nature of trauma. According to a 2013 Alaska ACEs study, 20% percent of Sitkans have had at least one Adverse Childhood Experience in their lifetime. ACEs include abuse, neglect, and household dysfunction, including household substance abuse and parental divorce.

The conference will include a screening of the film Resilience as well as break-out sessions on Historical and Intergenerational Trauma, alliance-building, and self-care. Free childcare is available. To register, visit