A lifetime resident and the former mayor, Valorie Nelson is one of five candidates running for the Sitka Assembly. (Emily Kwong/KCAW photo)

Valorie Nelson is one of five of candidates running for two seats on the Sitka Assembly. The municipal election is Tuesday, October 2nd.

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Hello, I’m Valorie Nelson and I’m a candidate running for Assembly in Sitka. I’m a 60+ year resident of Sitka, a graduate of Sitka High School, a former Assembly member and former Mayor. Six of my seven sibling are currently residing here, as are many nephews and nieces and their children.

I chose to be a candidate for Assembly for some of the same reasons I decided to do so about 20 years ago. Many of us fail to get involved or vote because we feel our input does make a difference and decisions are made prior to the advertised public hearings. I’ve experienced those feelings while attending Assembly meetings recently to speak on issues and being told that my elected officials only want to hear what I have to say, as long as I don’t take more than three minutes.

I’d like to try bringing back the format where we don’t enforce time limits except for rare occasions on public testimony. I feel the Mayor has the ability to rein someone in if they get off topic.

The most important issue we face as a community is bringing the service cost back to being affordable. If we don’t control those, affordable housing is merely an unattainable dream. Young families and those that have lived here for decades and are on fixed incomes are being forced to leave their homes, as they find that their earnings will got a lot further someplace else.

We need an elected body that will take the time to analyze the volumes of information generated, ask informed questions, and not rubber stamp every proposal that is made. If you’re looking for someone who has the ability to think independently, act decisively, and make fair and informed decisions, please vote for me Valorie Nelson on October 2nd. Thank you.

See our reporting on Nelson filing for the Sitka Assembly here.

The municipal election is Tuesday, October 2nd. Polls for both precincts will be open at Harrigan Centennial Hall from 7:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. on that day. Advanced (in-person) voting will be available weekdays from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. on the third floor of City Hall from September 17 until October 1. Absentee voting by mail is available through September 25. For further information, contact the Municipal Clerk’s Office at 747-1811 or 747-1826. See a sample of the ballot here.