Sitka’s annual ‘Bird Count’ leaders discuss this year’s big finds and trends
Posted by KCAW News | Jan 14, 2021
Add two swans to the tally! Sitka’s annual Audubon Christmas Bird Count kicked off on January 2 (KCAW/Snider)
Jennifer Cedarleaf and Victoria Vosburg organize and run the annual Audubon Christmas Bird Count in Sitka (and have done so for the last 14 years!). This year’s count was January 2. Cedarleaf and Vosburg joined KCAW’s Robert Woolsey for the Morning Interview to discuss their findings. Listen here:
A Brambling is among the more unsual birds in this year’s Sitka count. But it’s a reliable report: This bird had been seen around town for a couple of months before the January 2 count. (Victoria Vosburg photo)