Scott Kevin Saline

Age: 65

How many years have you lived in Sitka and in Alaska? 41 years

Occupation: Refrigeration entrepreneur/Fisherman/Diver/Food trailer operator

Family: Three kids attending or have graduated from Sitka schools

Community involvement, past and present:
Collaboration on tourism, 2 years attendance 2003-2005

Previous government or other relevant experience: 

7 years historical preservation committee

Have you previously run for public office? When and what office?


Why are you running for a seat on the Sitka Assembly this year? 

Katlian and Sitka Village abuse and neglect by city staff

What are your top priorities if elected? 
Restore respect to marginalized Sitkan living + working along Katlian


Ballot Prop 2

Do you support Ballot Prop 2, which would establish a permanent 1 percent seasonal sales tax and direct the funds toward school infrastructure repairs and replacement. Why or why not? 

No, intended to sunset is why voted in

If Ballot Prop 2 fails, is there another route the assembly should take to shore up infrastructure money for the school district? 

Utilize sales tax from summer visitors: half to schools, half to blue lake principle in the bank


Ballot Prop 1 

Do you support Ballot Prop 1, which would allow municipal employees to serve on the Sitka School Board, provided they are not school district employees. Why or why not? 

Yes — town needs all to be heard.  




What role should the assembly play in limiting cruise tourism in Sitka? 

Protect the rights of people living here not in tour business 

More tourism means more sales tax revenue. Where should the assembly direct these additional funds?

School infrastructure savings account
Blue Lake awareness and loan repayment 



Sitka has been using Department of Energy grant funds to research energy alternatives, including wind and tidal power. Do you feel any of these alternatives should be developed?

No, wind no, tidal for KW
Discover why moving heat from ocean not included



Sitka voters last year approved spending over $8 million on a new marine haulout at the Gary Paxton Industrial Park. Nevertheless, the funding is still far short of what’s needed to build a haul out and boatyard. How should Sitka make up the balance?

Sell the 7 million dollar barge the city paid McDowell group to state. Sitka vessels need it.