Unofficial results are in for elections in several of KCAW’s listening communities.
In Pelican, Derek Stewart and Celeste Weller secured three-year terms on city council, with 28 and 16 votes, respectively. For school board seat 2, Raven Hanson was the winner, with 10 votes. For school board seat 3, Sarah Stewart led with four votes.
In Tenakee Springs, Rudy Ziel and Justin Moody scored the two open city council seats, with 36 and 12 votes respectively. Voters also ratified an ordinance to authorize membership in the Southeast Alaska Solid Waste Authority, or SEASWA, by a margin of nearly 10-1.
Port Alexander elected seven candidates to city council terms. The top vote-getters were, in order, Ryan Martin (14), Thomas Corso (14), Laura Pollard (12), Cory Gifford (10), Patrick Trischmann (8), Earl “Bud” Durdle (8), and Michaela Larsen (7).
All of the results are unofficial until they’re certified. Yakutat will hold its regular municipal election on October 17, with three two-year assembly seats and two three-year school board seats on the ballot. Kake did not hold an October 3 election, but will be holding a special election on October 24.