The Sitka Homeless Coalition is partnering with the local United Methodist Church to provide a temporary warming shelter for Sitkans experiencing homelessness this winter (KCAW/Rose)
Listen to the full interview with Andrew Hinton and Denise Shaffer of the Sitka Homeless Coalition

The Sitka Homeless Coalition is expanding its services this winter with a new meal program and a part-time warming shelter for unhoused Sitkans on cold nights. 

“We’re very fortunate to be able to partner with the United Methodist Church, who has very graciously offered to allow us to use their space in the basement,” Executive Director Andrew Hinton said. “On the coldest nights this winter, we’ll be able to open up a space, a space that’s monitored and staffed with the Sitka Homeless Coalition, for folks that are experiencing homelessness and folks that have nowhere to go.”

Hinton said every Sunday, the Homeless Coalition will look at the weather for the coming week, and if temperatures are slated to drop below 28 degrees, they’ll plan to open the shelter. 

He said the warming shelter at the Methodist Church is meant to address an immediate need, while the organization continues to fundraise for its permanent tiny home project, Hítx’i Sáani, at the end of Jarvis Street behind the post office. Each of the units will be roughly 14 by 14 square feet with a bed, bathroom, kitchenette, and electric heat.

In addition to their work on housing, the coalition is now partnering with AC Lakeside grocery store to provide free meals on weekdays. Denise Shaffer said the program is available to anyone who is struggling with housing or food insecurity. 

“In November alone, we served 298 meals to 59 unique individuals, which is so exciting,” Shaffer said. “And all to date, now, we’ve served 360 meals. So in just that one week of December, we’re already almost at another 100 meals, and so this program means a lot to a lot of people.”

Meals are available at AC Lakeside every Monday through Friday from 4-5 p.m.