2024 Municipal Election Guide
Sitka’s municipal election is Tuesday, October 1. Seven candidates are on the ballot running for public office — it’s a two-way race for the mayor’s chair, and four candidates are in the running for two open Sitka Assembly seats. One candidate filed to run for one of two open seats on the Sitka School Board. Voters will also get a chance to weigh in on two ballot questions.
To help voters make informed decisions, Raven Radio posed questions about some of Sitka’s most pressing policy issues to all candidates. You’ll find their answers below.
But we know there are more questions to be asked– so in mid-September we’ll host live election forums to ask candidates your questions. Submit questions for candidates to news@kcaw.org
Raven Radio’s On-Air Candidate Forums
Mayoral Candidate Forum:
Tuesday, September 17, 6:30-7:10 p.m.
Click here to listen
Assembly Candidate Forum:
Tuesday, September 17, 7:15-8:15 p.m.
Click here to listen
Ballot Questions
Proposition No. 1
Shall the Home Rule Charter of the City and Borough of Sitka be amended to remove language in Section 11.13(g) referencing the Community Hospital?
Informational: See ordinance 2024-16. This amendment is a housekeeping measure. Sitka Community Hospital closed on August 1, 2019, and no longer requires its own accounting system.
Proposition No. 2
Shall the Sitka General Code be amended to align procedures for the recall of elected public officials with procedures contained in Alaska state law?
Informational: See ordinance 2024-18. This amendment is a housekeeping measure. As a home rule municipality, the City and Borough of Sitka is prohibited from enacting procedures for the recall of elected public officials that are contrary to Alaska state law under AS 29.10.200.
Where to Vote in Sitka
Precincts 1 and 2 voters will cast ballots at Harrigan Centennial Hall. Polls will be open on Tuesday, October 1th from 7 a.m. to 8 p.m. Advanced (in-person) voting will be available weekdays from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. in meeting rooms 2 and 3 at Harrigan Centennial Hall, beginning 15 days before the municipal election. You can also vote by mail or fax. Starting this year (2024), early voting is also open on Saturdays from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m.
Find more information about absentee voting in Sitka here. If you have questions about your precinct or the election, call Municipal Clerk Sara Peterson at 747-1811.
Click on the map to see your voting precinct. If you have questions about your precinct or the election, call Municipal Clerk Sara Peterson at 747-1811. (Map courtesy of CBS)