One of our main goals at Raven Radio is to build community. It is our hope that this site can be an open forum for discussion and civil debate around our news and programming content. But, like every community (and every website) we have our own rules for participation.

Civility counts. We don’t want to stifle the conversation, but we believe you can disagree without being disagreeable. That means: no personal attacks, name calling, libel, defamation, hate speech, racism, sexism, etc.

Don’t use obscenity. We’re not going to tell you what words not to say: you know what they are.

Be constructive. Please keep your comments to the topic at hand, and try to move the conversation forward.

When all else fails, think Golden Rule. Treat others the way you would like to be treated.

You are solely responsible for the content that you post -so use your best judgement, and we will use ours. We reserve the right to remove posts that do not follow these guidelines, or suspend individual commenting privileges.

These guidelines are posted permanently under the “About Us” tab of

Thanks to Alaska Public Media for help with the policy.