Wondering how to publicize your business’ products and/or services on the air? Consider Underwriting. You can air announcements on Raven Radio! Governmental agencies and 501 (c) (3) non-profits can also air announcements on KCAW.
Underwriting is like advertising but without comparative language, calls to action, and so on. Also, Underwriting is considered by the IRS to be a donation because of KCAW Sitka’s non-profit status and is completely tax deductible. For-profit businesses can air up to 15 second announcements and non-profits can air 30 second announcements. Please contact our Development Director Frederick Olsen, Jr. at (907) 747-5877 or development@kcaw.org to discuss options that work for you.

Our program sponsors, or “Underwriters,” provide important funding for all of the great radio you listen to every day on Raven Radio KCAW Sitka. When you hear messages of support by a local merchant while listening to Raven Radio, please tell them how much you appreciate it!
Web site sponsorship is also available on kcaw.org. Your business or organization can be featured on our homepage through web tiles or on our popular Community Calendar page as a banner.
Please contact our Development Director Frederick Olsen, Jr. at (907) 747-5877 or development@kcaw.org