Tag: Diana Saverin

Sheldon Jackson: Abrupt closure sets stage for dramatic renewal

When the end finally came for Sheldon Jackson College four years ago, it was fast. In June of 2007, the Sitka assembly met on a Tuesday and voted down a request from the college for a $1-million emergency loan. On Friday, the school shut its doors. In the concluding installment in her five-part series on Sitka's distinctiveness, reporter Diana Saverin examines how SJC's sudden closure brought the school’s problems into sharp focus, and set the stage for its dramatic renewal. Read More

Herb Didrickson: How speed breaks cultural barriers

It’s hard to think of Herb Didrickson as anything but fast. Decades since he left the basketball court and the track, this respected Tlingit elder still elicits knowing smiles from those who saw him play, and those who continue to hear the stories of how the young Didrickson crossed cultural barriers through sports. Read More

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