Tag: funding

December 22, 2020: What’s on the agenda when the Sitka Assembly meets tonight?

Although the latest round of winter storms didn’t cause landslides in Sitka’s residential areas, they did cause damage to city property to the tune of just under a million dollars. When the Sitka Assembly meets tonight (12-22-20) it will consider declaring a disaster emergency in the hope of securing state and federal funding to offset the costs of those repairs.Read More

Assembly begins FY21 budget talks

Thursday’s meeting was meant to be a 30,000-foot view of the 2021 budget- this early in the game there are still many unknowns. Nevertheless, the Sitka School District remains the biggest expense on the city balance sheet, just ahead of public safety.Read More

Blue Lake Hydro expansion survives governor's veto

Considering the recent past, when the previous administration vetoed almost all of Sitka’s capital projects, the community this year will benefit from significant capital spending. Most notably, $28-million dollars budgeted for the Blue Lake Hydro expansion survived. Read More



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