Tag: herring camp

Postcard from Herring Camp: Walking in both worlds

As a host of herring arrived in Sitka Sound last week, another school clamored to be out on water. Nineteen students spent their Spring Break at the Knowledge of Herring Camp - a 5-day program that taught students both the cultural and ecological significance of this critical resource. Read More

Herring Camp connects tradition, science

Sitka National Historical Park Ranger Ryan Carpenter describes the unique partnership behind Herring Camp, a spring-break program for middle school students. Herring Camp mixes contemporary scientific methods with traditional knowledge to give students a well-rounded perspective on this critical resource. With Tribal culture-bearer Chuck Miller, resource protection manager Jeff Feldpausch, and camper Madison Roy-Mercer.Downloadable audio. Read More

Learning about herring, inside and out

This year, the Sitka Tribe, Sitka School District and Sitka National Historical Park launched what they hope become a new March tradition: herring camp. During spring break, about fifteen students, in 5th grade through high school, participated in a week of research into herring biology and ecology, along the way learning a little something about what goes on inside this iconic spring fish. Read More

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