Tag: Infrastructure

Recent survey shows Sitka’s ‘enthusiasm’ for trail improvement plans

Sitka’s trail plan is due for an update. Trail works, the local nonprofit which created the original plan twenty years ago, recently surveyed the community for its ideas on new cabins, trails, toilets, and bear-proof trash containers. Over 500 Sitkans responded, generating over 3,000 detailed comments. Trail Works has been crunching the numbers. KCAW’s Katherine Rose spoke with executive director Ben Hughey to learn how the new plan is taking shape.   Read More

UPDATE: City postpones Jeff Davis opening

The city has postponed re-opening Jeff Davis Street in the evening hours. On Friday (10-28-16), the city sent out a press release saying the road would be open from 7 p.m. to 7 a.m. to through traffic. But residents on Jeff Davis Street voiced concerned about pedestrian safety. Read More



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