Tag: Justin Peeler

Sitka AC lends support to 4 southeast herring proposals

Herring was always going to be center stage for the Sitka Fish & Game Advisory Committee during its intense round of meetings this fall, and – even as the group pored over a big stack of other salmon and shellfish proposals – herring was never out of the limelight for long. KCAW’s Katherine Rose takes a look back at which herring proposals got the nod from the Sitka AC, before they’re handed to the Alaska Board of Fisheries at its meeting next month in Ketchikan. Read More

Sitka Tribe’s proposal to protect older herring fails to win Advisory Committee support

Efforts by the Sitka Tribe of Alaska to change the state’s approach to management of the Sitka Sac Roe Herring fishery don’t look like they’re going anywhere. The second of three proposals submitted by the Tribe failed to win the support of the Sitka Fish & Game Advisory Committee Monday night (11-8-21), just days after an earlier proposal was also shot down. Read More

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