Tag: Kettleson expansion

New systems in Kettleson, Harrigan to reduce energy costs

Jon Heller, an engineer with Ecotope Inc. in Seattle, is helping the city design energy-efficient mechanical systems in the remodeled Kettleson Library and Harrigan Centennial Hall. With insulation, better lighting, heat recovery ventilation, and heat pumps, energy usage in the buildings will be about 2/3 less per square foot. Read More

Kettleson move brings ‘soul’ back to former campus library

Without much fanfare, Sitka’s entire public library was relocated to temporary quarters last month. Thousands of books, the shelving to hold them, computers, and furniture were packed across Crescent Harbor to the Stratton Library on the Sheldon Jackson Campus, to make way for contractors preparing to enlarge Kettleson Memorial Library. Read More

Kettleson bids $1M higher than expected

The bids are in for Sitka’s Kettleson Memorial Library expansion -- and contractors are estimating that the project, as currently envisioned, would cost about $1-million more than the city had expected. At a special assembly meeting Thursday, city staff proposed cuts to the project. Read More

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