Tag: Pam Bealer

In paint and words, ‘The Squirrel and Bear’ exhibit is a portrait of one couple’s artistic legacy

Eric and Pam Bealer lived secluded -- but not reclusive -- lives in Phonograph Creek, outside of Pelican. She was a textile artist who raised her own sheep; he was a world-class wood engraver. "The Squirrel and the Bear" is a tribute to their lives and artistic legacy, through the work of renowned portrait artist Steve Lawrie and his collaborator, writer Maite Lorente. Read More

Noted Southeast Alaskan artist, wife missing in suspected suicide pact

Pelican artist Eric Bealer and his wife Pam were expected back from their remote summer cabin last September. When they failed to return, friends went looking and found a suicide note. In some ways the conclusion of a tender love story, the Bealers' disappearance has created legal complications for their estate. Read More



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