Tag: Pattie Skannes

King salmon trolling ends on slow note

After an unprecedented two extensions, the summer king salmon season for trollers in Southeast is over. The Alaska Department of Fish & Game closed the fishery at 11:59 PM Monday, August 18 -- two days later than planned. The target for the three-day opener was 36,000 kings. But on day one it looked like trollers were bringing in about 12 fish per day. During the first opener of the season -- the first week of July -- trollers were landing about 50 kings per day. Read More

Summer king fishing opens with record hopes

If you’ve noticed a lot of empty slips in local harbors today, there’s a reason for that: Tuesday is the summer troll opening for king salmon -- and Southeast fishermen are looking at a record high target harvest -- 171,300 fish in two to three weeks of fishing. Read More

Trollers hit record in last week of winter fishing

Salmon trollers shattered their one-week harvest record, as the winter fishery came to a close last week. The Alaska Department of Fish & Game reports that trollers landed a total of 55,000 kings between October and April, which is their best season since 2005. But it was that last week of April that re-wrote the record books. Read More

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