Tag: roads

Ice shuts down Sitka schools

Within the past 24, Sitka’s streets have turned into an ice rink. The roads are so slippery that school closed early today (01-12-17), and a handful of accidents were reported to local police. Read More

Sitka heads ‘Back to the Future’ on gravel roads

Anna_DriveSitka has torn up what is likely the first of many paved city streets and returned it to gravel. The community has wrestled for years with how to pay to replace pavement put down during the heyday of the state’s oil wealth in the 1980s. And so far, no one’s come up with a plan for local funding that’s acceptable to residents. Read More

Assembly debates how to pay for roads

Sitka has to figure out how to pay for its roads - and soon. That was the message delivered to the Sitka Assembly on Tuesday night. Assembly members discussed a wide range of potential strategies, all aimed at keeping the city from going back to gravel. Read More

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