Tag: Russian Christmas

In Sitka, Christmas comes but twice a year!

The Feast of the Nativity (or "Russian Christmas," as it is commonly called) is celebrated throughout the Orthodox Church in America on January 7. But it's not as if Eastern and Western Christianity couldn't agree on the date to celebrate the Nativity. Much of Orthodox Christianity observes the Julian calendar, which is 13 days behind the Gregorian calendar. Read More

Christmas present

This is the choir at St. Michael’s Cathedral in Sitka, led by Kathy Hope-Erickson, participating in the Divine Liturgy. The service this year was especially poignant, since the cathedral – which was previously destroyed by fire in 1966 – sits just a few feet above sea level, and was at risk of inundation had a tsunami developed after last Friday’s (1-4-13) magnitude 7.5 earthquake. That all was well in Sitka on this day felt like a very big Christmas present. Read More



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