Tag: SeaMart

Amid government shutdown, Sitka businesses step up

January 15th should have been payday for many government employees, but in Sitka and elsewhere federal workers woke up to no deposit in their bank accounts. Local businesses and organizations have been preparing for this moment, and are stepping up in an attempt to offset the economic impact of a zero-dollar payday from one of Sitka’s biggest employers.  Read More

Sitka Salmon Shares graduates to new plant

If you’ve spent any time enjoying a drink at Baranof Brewery, you may have glanced across the street and wondered what’s going on behind the doors at Sitka Salmon Shares. It’s been over a year since the company purchased the Big Blue processing plant and, slowly but surely, they’re turning the space into one that suits their needs. Read More

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Alaska Seaplanes Drawing – ends 12/31/22

Alaska Airlines Drawing – ended 4/9/2022

Quiet Drive – ended 4/3/2022

Spring 2023 Quiet Drive – ends 4/2/2023

Allen Marine Drawing – ends 4/6/23

Alaska Seaplanes Drawing – ends 10/8/23

Alaska Airlines Spring 2024– ends 3/24/24