Tag: voting

Be sure to vote both sides of this year’s municipal ballot!

Municipal clerk Sara Peterson oversees elections in Sitka. She describes the ballot that voters will see next Tuesday (October 1), including races for two open seats on the Sitka Assembly, and one open seat on the Sitka School Board. There is also a proposition on the ballot this year. All voting takes place at Harrigan Centennial Hall, 7 a.m. to 8 p.m. Read More

Sitka couple united in voter accessibility and in life

Absentee voting is available in Alaska through Monday, November 5th, but not all registered voters can cast their ballot. Blind and visually impaired voters in need of special machines will have to wait until election day -- and that doesn’t sit well with one married couple in Sitka. William Craig is legally blind and Helen Craig is legally deaf. Read More



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