John Leach is Sitka’s municipal administrator. Although winter snuck up on Sitka this year, it’s not too late to prepare for seasonal emergencies, primarily related to weather. Officials recommend preparing an emergency kit to support your household for 72 hours, in the event of power failure. You should also know how to turn off the water to your home in the event a pipe bursts. (If you’re unsure, call Public Works at 747-1804 for help.) Additionally, it’s time to make sure smoke detectors and carbon monoxide detectors are working, and that you have a fire extinguisher. While the city plows public streets (prioritizing main routes), municipal code requires property owners to clear adjacent public sidewalks. If you find a road or sidewalk is hazardous for winter travel, please call Public Works during business hours at 747-1804. After hours, please call the Sitka Police Department non-emergency line at 747-6345.